Nuclear reactors are everywhere as the world tries to look at ways to make energy without oil. Japan is one of such countries. A country with no oil whatsoever so what could it resort to, nuclear plants. Sure people complain but what choice did they have? These plants make 24% of Japan's energy. That's about a quarter and a lot. Right now countries express fear as they fear the same fate as Japan and will they? This I don't know, but would you like to live right beside one?
Say your in a country with no means of oil. I mean no oil at all and no coal. Imagine your a carbon free country. What would you do? Would you import all your oil? Nonsense that would be crazy and expensive. Renewable energy? Bah! Like that could ever generate enough electricity to power a country. What do we have left? Hydroelectric dams and nuclear energy. I would choose nuclear energy first, don't you think. It's makes a lot of energy and requires uranium which is a whole lot cheaper than oil. Also, it seems safer. The accident risk is less. The ability to make energy is so desperate that you build tons around the country. You then realize your on an island where earthquakes come like as if they're a habit. Why do we build then? Demand always bests safety in a fight to the death.
Demand may have brought nuclear haven to our countries. The catastrophic consequences of nuclear power plants over the decade are low, but when one happens. it is unthinkable what will happen and how many lives are lost and how embarrassing you feel addressing the worried public like you have never done before showing the world your country has a poor reputation for something it always had pride in: dependability. The effects are more powerful than any oil spill can ever cause in it's lifetime. Sometimes great power comes with great risks.