Canada was supposed to be a free country with free speech. We invented many things like the internet and maple syrup. Yet, in modern times we have fallen in everything. We have crappy internet and we lose out on deals that could make this place a greater place. RIM is failing, everyone knew that was going to happen. All our tech geniuses left us for the states because we're too cheap to fund them. What have we got left? A crappy country that ruins everything.
Banks want to control the stock exchange. I say screw their cocks! You want it, well you can't have it. I don't want to go back to the days of Ma Bell, thank you. If you have a monopoly then no innovation happens. Change is what everyone hates. The banks, so called "Maple" which is retarded, want to buy the TMX. Well this is just saying, the big bully wants to buy the popular guy. Would you like it if there was only one internet provider, one phone company, or one stock exchange owned by one company. A monopoly is what it's called. Banks have done nothing to give back to everyone so why should we let them take our icon?
The NYSE did it. The NASDAQ did it. Everyone did it in the states, why not here? Canada now looks horrible. Nobody wants to do business here any more. To the government, that's like a hurrah yet to us Canadians, it's lost return. BHP could've bought Potash. They could create more jobs and move the HQ from the US to Canada. They would create more jobs and blah. We said no! That was bad enough.
Now the world gave us another chance, create the worlds largest stock exchange. It was a win-win deal. Yet everyone is so f***ing retarded in Ontario to realize that. You bank CEO's are stupid, retarded, and assholes. Maple is what you call yourself and you hold Canada's interests at heart. No this fact, banks are cruel and will try anything to make money. Things have always been apart for a reason. Banks will make things worse, nobody will buy things off the TSX if the banks own it. Lost business, lost jobs, lost everything. Is that what you want?
I'm just giving my two cents. The Liberals have really screwed up, the banks are asses, and the government did nothing to make Canada look like it really should. A country that welcomes investment and innovation. Instead we showed them how we are not friendly and don't want people messin' with our stuff. What is wrong with you? Read this and think....................