Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is the gaming console dead?

     With the acquisition of Gaikai by Sony, is the future of the gaming console dead? If you can play games on the cloud and it can be played on many supported devices, then what is the point of the gaming console anymore. Sure they can make it a cloud streaming device, but even that will signify a change in the video game industry. Is the gaming console dead, because of the threat of cloud gaming and the changes made by major corporations.
     Cloud gaming has sparked interest ever since the idea was thought out and delivered. With its low price and access to many games all at once, it's no wonder it has sparked some interest. All you have to do is pay a monthly fee and you can have access to a library of games, that although limited, are popular and fun to play. Most people are casual gamers and this could prove a great alternative to buying games and the process of upgrading hardware for every new console refresh. This could save people more money and make gaming a lot more affordable.
     Cloud gaming can also be supported on more devices as well. Game companies can now reach a wider audience in a shorter time frame and reach more consumers than ever before. This is because since games would cost less, more people will be interested in purchasing them and the game companies could not only earn more money, but also long term customers. This would be beneficial to the developers as the profits are instant and quick and to consumers as they'll be at a lower price.
    Cloud gaming can also revolutionize the way we perceive of games. It could force developers to develop better games as now more people have a wide variety and can afford any game they want. Forcing the developers to develop better games would be great for everyone and we can finally see a better Call of Duty game. Jokes jokes. Better games = more people, how is that bad? With a new way of gaming, games might get better from the increased competition.
     With cloud gaming becoming more popular, the fact that gaming is dead is long from true.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get Playon for free

If you have an XBOX 360, PS3, etc. and you want to stream some services without XBOX Live Gold or want  to access some American content like Hulu. Look no further than Playon and VPN.

  1. Download the Playon trial and follow the steps.
  2. Open the settings manager and go to registration and enter:                                                               User Name: michael nadolny License Key: 8C86-A5DF-7184-AED6-44E8-BE11-1B4D-6281
  3. Exit the program and end all other Playon services in the Task Manager.
  4. Go to run and type in regedit.
  5. Go to HKEY_Local_Machine>Software>WOW6432NODE>Mediamall>System
  6. Double click on the license and delete the key. Not the registry itself. Just erase the numbers.
  7. Click on Advanced and click on permissions.
  8. Click on SYSTEM and click edit.
  9. Deny Query Value, Set Value, and Set Subkeys.
  10. Make sure the thing on top of the entry isn't gone or the program won't run properly.
To Get American Stuff
  • From Windows 7 Desktop, click Start Control Panel to open the control panel;
  • Click Network and Internet,  click Network and Sharing Center;

  • Click Set up a new connection or network, then Connect to a workplace;
  • Select option No, create a new cnonection, then Use my Internet connection (VPN);
  • In the Connect to a workplace window, fill fields as shown in homepage;
  • in Next window, use free as User name field, and use 1234 in the Password field, then click "Connect" button to start the free VPN connection!

Some Good Background Pictures

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Paleo Recipe Book

Brand new Paleo recipe book. Awesome recipes at a low price. Awesome deal!

iPad Video Lessons

Good website for iPad tutorials. Lets you know everything you need to know at a low price. Really easy to use and learn.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

SOPA: Its bad.

SOPA is a new bill that was proposed by Lamar Smith a Texas Repulican who is backed by 31 other co-signers. This bill plans to censor the internet for piracy content yet is that the true intent? This bill has so many loopholes that almost many websites would be shut down or forced to change e.g. Google, Facebook, etc. How can the US promote internet freedom if it doesn't even uphold it's own belief.

This bill hopes to end piracy, but it is one way of diminishing free speech. The bill will shut down anything that can be used to access copyright content. A lot of services fill in that vague definition. VPN and proxy services that people use for legal purposes such as privacy and protection or trying to access services blocked in that country such as during the Arab Spring. These services would be shut down as they fill that vague definition as they can be used for that service.

It is not very effective in stopping piracy as things can be done. Piracy sites like,, etc. can change domains frequently. Torrents also don't require servers, they require people and a website is just the place where you get the download. To bypass, people could send the torrent link to each other and then soon we'll have e-mail being censored, because it can be used to spread pirate works.

The bill has so many loopholes that it doesn't give many people a leg to stand on. Under the DMCA, websites were asked kindly to remove kindly. Under SOPA, websites were shut down automatically and the website would have to appeal. The definition of the bill is also so unclear that what would be called legal is now illegal or is it? The bill is so unclear that it could tip in both favors giving the defendant whether it's a 24 year old hacker or a 5 year old uploading a music video. Sites like Google and Twitter would have to censor their sites 24/7 which goes against their business models. For Google, it's to categorize the worlds information and for Twitter its to share whats on your mind. It could end the idea of having a normal internet. Its also happening right now.

SOPA is a good idea and its a step in the right direction yet some bugs need to be fixed. They should make the SRRA bill (Stop Retarded Republicans Act).

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thomas Edison Quotes

If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.

Thomas A. Edison, Encyclopaedia Britannica

Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

Thomas A. Edison, Harper's Monthly, 1932