Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Invention With Flaws Like Any Other - The Car

The car is something we use everyday. It's an invention like any other that has flaws as nothing is perfect in the world, even humans. Cars have been around and revolutionized some things and have changed things, most notably the climate. Here's one thing: the car has become a helper and a killer.

The car has also made getting things easier. Say you buy groceries, you would buy a lot if you had a car since it would be easy getting them home, but if you had to walk or take the bus then how much could you buy? The car has made life easier in a way, not completely but I have to give credit to the car for that one.

It has brought new ways of transportation. It has made the global world work together on something. Take Bombardier for example. It's parts are mostly made worldwide with assembly in Montreal. Some of the parts are made in China which is far away from the Atlantic ocean where Montreal is near. Guess how the parts will get here, by boat and truck to be delivered to Bombardier to assemble it's new C series of planes. Another example is going to a friends house. Say your house is in Vancouver and their's is in Seattle. It would be almost impossible to visit them without a car as who would walk the distance?

Well now lets look at the cons, I think there's lots, but I'll only mention two.

The car and the cell have brought together: impaired driving. People sometimes text or make calls while they drive, you know who you are. Sometimes you may get a lucky break, other times you won't. People die when they're not paying attention to anything especially driving where accidents can cause you your life just because of a phone call.

Liquor has been with us since the dawn of human being time. It has some effects though like making somebody more dumb and making them drowsy and not aware of what they're doing especially driving. Drinking and driving is not only the most dangerous thing to do, but it is also the most expensive thing to do with added fees to your insurance because of one time of drinking and driving and maybe getting your license revoked for a month or so. Would you do this? The answer is unknown, but I hope you don't.

The car is not perfect as nothing is perfect in this world, and I am glad that it is that way. This way humans have a purpose and we live our lives till we're old. Sometimes smart people believe life is worth nothing and suicide because they think it's perfect, but they don't know something: life will never be perfect, it'll always change, but they could help us adapt to change if they didn't suicide. All I can say is don't make stupid choices in life as life is not perfect, but that doesn't mean life isn't worth living.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Review of Blogger

Blogger is a blog posting site. You post stuff that's on your mind and you post it on the web which is very simple. It is simple and it is easy sometimes. Here is my true review non-bias review of blogger which I have been using for a while to know some of the gizmo's. Blogger is not perfect, but I believe it's okay for a free service in my opinion.

Blogger is not simple, it' like MS Word. Blogger's blog format is easy and simple to use sometimes. What I want to see done is to make it more user controlled rather than automated. Sometimes when I upload a photo it may glitch or something bad may happen. The worst thing that could happen is the whole thing just ruining my text and making me redoing the post. I did a post the other day and Blogger just wasted my time.

Blogger doesn't make my pictures the way I want it to be. Sometimes I would like the text in between text and it doesn't happen. Instead it puts it at the top where the size doesn't match and it just looks plain ugly. A good example is my Blackberry Playbook post where pictures didn't turn out to be ideal. Sorry my audience. Things don't always go out as planned so I'm looking for more services.

I hope a Blogger technician will read this and try to help. I hope you can get YouTube Integration smooth soon so it'll be easier,but that is all. I'm Out.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Companies Tweeting and Facebooking For You?

Twitter and Facebook are great ways to meet your old friends and have fun and all that stuff and a good place to find good deals. Thats right, deals. Companies like GM or small businesses offer coupons for anyone who manages to get them off Twitter or Facebook. THESE companies do this for your money and I must say, it works.

GM is something that is benefiting. Dealers tweet coupons for followers who then snatch them and book appointments. One dealer reported $13000 of profit from one 10% off maintenance which is just to show how powerful sites like Twitter of Facebook are to people. They take advantage of people like us on the web who strive for good deals on the web especially for us Canadians where rips are more likely to come by.

The only reason: they want your attention. It's simple. None of today's tactics bring as much money as the web. The web has spawned new business and new money opportunities like Twitter and Facebook. Not all businesses do it this way,but some do. Just like me, only mines isn't really for profit. The most I would do is say products that are interesting.

The final thing: take advantage of these opportunities. These companies want your business so give it to them.Not all of them succeed, but heres my quote
"If life were perfect then life shouldn't exist at all for thou no meaning"-HuluJ

Friday, October 1, 2010

Would You Hide Money In A Swiss Bank Account?

The Swiss are known for their secrecy. They'll hide anything including what you have in your bank account. Heck, they won't even ask where you got the money from which is a big + for anyone who wants to avoid the tax man, but really is it worth it as the Swiss can't really guarantee it anymore.
Last week a man named Falcinani hacked into HSBC Private Bank's computers in Geneva to expose the accounts there. He hacked the own system he was paid to protect as he believed criminals were hiding their money there and believed it was very wrong. Currently the Swiss are mad and want the info back. Well, they got a copy back and the French kept the original. At least, they gave it back and coughed it to other countries including Britain, Italy, and Canada. Falcinani is currently in Niche, France under protection from the French even though the Swiss want him in Swiss jail. He is not afraid of death, but it is possible for what he has done.

These kinds of things are illegal and should be changed, but they aren't. Big companies like Credit Suisse, HSBC, and UBS are all coughing up accounts. Some are through hacks and some are voluntarily. Take UBS which gave up names of thousands of offshore account names of people trying to avoid the taxman. Yet is it worth it as some countries might not be as generous as the French, who only required the owed taxes be payed back, but it is unknown how the other countries take it.

The Swiss are not secret anymore, we know that fact. There are white knight hackers in this world who want to make change, but in order to make that change you have to get help from outsiders which sometimes means breaking the law even if it;s for a good change.