Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Will Happen To Desktops and Laptops?

Mobile devices are everywhere. In fact I see them everywhere, teens with iPhone 4's or Samsungs or other brands. They're everywhere, but it makes stop to think, where will all the desktops and laptops go if they're unpopular anymore? Their going away fast is what I can say.
The mobile industry is probably one of the fastest growing industry in the world. Many people own a smartphone of some brand and probably have an expensive "non-unlimited" plan attached to it. Apple made this industry go boom after RIM created it. Apple is what we call the game changer. Whatever they make is what is generally what people will buy. They have made Macs that nobody really thinks about, but then comes the iPhone and the iPad. These are the two things that most people think can do things just like a PC. They can do things like word processing, e-mail, and all sorts of things.
Have we evolved from the laptop or desktop. I believe we have unfortunately. These types of computers shall go away eventually to make shelf for the new just like the VHS and DVD that got replace by Blu-ray. Home computers is not somebody goes buying anymore, it's either the new iPhone or the hottest tech gadgets that look cool and awesome not laptops or desktops.
The industry has evolved don't you think. The world is not as simple anymore thanks to Apple that has released year after year iPhone's that are somehow better and more worth to buy especially with the upgrade option.
Is the smartphone better than the PC, well lets look at the modern day user. The modern day user would probably just surf the web and go on YouTube and all that. You can do that on a smartphone and a PC. You may also want to play a game or two. Both options are available. You want to write or make a blog post: both are possible. You want something portable: smartphone wins.
So who is the real winner: the smartphone of course. The smartphone in my opinion has enough to satisfy the common day user and I believe as things progress things get better fast, especially since everything changes like every year or month nowadays.

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