Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Should We Put A Price on the Polar Bear

The polar bear is an amazing bear for all of us to see. It's white and shiny fur makes it unique and endangered. This bear lives in the arctic north which makes it vulnerable to global warming. Yet, should we demote the bear to a price. Well thats what the Canadian government is doing.

The government has sent EcoResources Consultants to go tally up the cost of protecting the bear. This will help the government to determine whether or not the government should protect the polar bear or not. In essence they're trying to see how much a polar bear would cost to the economy. This might be good, in my opinion, it will show the government that the polar bear is important and has a value with only 15,000 left in Canada. If we don't do this, what will happen when everyone forgets about the polar bear? Won't there be a zero dollar price tag for it then?

Currently the bear is not protected in Canada, but not all are keen to this idea. In the meantime EcoResources has until February 2011 to present it's report telling the government whether it should protect it or not.

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